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Kissmetric vs Mixpanel
04 Nov

Mixpanel vs Kissmetrics: Analyzing the Analytics Tools on Twitter [Infographic]

June 28, 2019

Till few years ago tracking visitors on the web or mobile was relatively a tough task, however, it isn’t anymore as web and mobile tracking software such as Mixpanel and Kissmetrcis are available now. And believe us both of them are fantastic in use, and offer a variety of new features that are hard to get on any other analytics software. For instance, traking page views are pretty easy with any analytics tool, but tracking how engaged a visitor is on a specific page is like a tough nut to crack. However, with Mixpanel that is all easy and fun.

Similarly, Kissmetrics also provide a step by step analytics of your visitors like what page did they browse through, what action they performed on that particular page, and there’s much more to it. Though both Mixpanel and Kissmetrics are popular amongst all sorts of industries, but we wanted to know how they both perform on social network. And for the same we have tried to analyze Mixpanel vs Kissmetrics on Twitter, and here’s an infographic given below showcasing there fight. Additionally, it also tells you about the leading brands that use Mixpanel, and Kissmetrics for analyzing their website visitors and improving their conversion.


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