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06 Aug

How can Google Remarketing make your PPC campaign more cost effective?

June 28, 2019

Sometimes, for headlines, rhetorical questions can encourage an increased number of clicks. For instance, “How can Google Remarketing make your PPC campaign more cost effective?” might encourage more clicks. Consider this in other articles too.

PPC campaigns are basically advertising or in some cases marketing expenses which usually have budgets assigned to them. The more cost effective a campaign is, the more likely that it will be continued or even expanded. If you are managing a PPC campaign, you already know that cost effectiveness really means maximum conversions at the lowest possible cost. This is known as cost per acquisition.

There are many things you can do in order to keep your PPC costs as low as possible, chief amongst them is carefully managing your keyword costs by maintaining high quality scores and keeping your negative keyword list up to date, to reduce non relevant clicks. Another strategy to manage an effective campaign is to maintain high conversion rates, turning the campaign costs into an afterthought.

#Google Remarketing is True “Thinking Outside the Box”

Assuming you already have a great keyword list broken down into small and very relevant Ad Groups, each with relevant advertisements and landing pages, what else can you do? What if your average quality score is already between 8 and 10?

There’s only one direction to go, and that is Google Remarketing. The concept is brilliant yet simple. The only area you are probably not targeting are all those potential customers who abandoned their shopping cart, for reasons unknown. These are prime visitors, whom you’ve already spent money acquiring and who actually looked around your site and decided to purchase something. Yet for whatever reason they bailed out halfway through the purchase process.

#Google Display Network Helps Out

Google remarketing allows you to reach out to these potential customers who are most likely to convert. By utilizing Google Analytics, Google Adwords and the Google Display Network you can tag those customers with abandoned carts and then re-engage them with very relevant and targeted advertisements as they visit other sites which are part of the Google Display Network.

Let’s take a look at an example:

Let’s say your site sells shoes and you have a shopping cart abandonment rate of 55%, which roughly translates to 20 lost sales per day. These 20 visitors spend 30 minutes each on your site yet they abandon their shopping cart and continue on their web surfing adventures. Say your research has defined the problem as a shipping issue, so you create special banner advertisements offering free shipping. These advertisements are only shown to your abandoned cart visitors and they are shown to them on several sites they visit.

After a few days of this either of two things will happen. At best, some of these customers will click on the banner advertisement, re-visit your site and this time complete a purchase, utilizing that free shipping option. At worst, you’ve created great brand awareness for those customers who don’t take you up on your free shipping offer.

#You Pay Only The Google Display Network Click

Yes, there is an additional cost per click to be paid for the remarketing efforts, but the cpc costs on the Google Display Network are considerably lower than those on the Search Network. You are also targeting customers who are very likely to convert, therefore you will experience a high success rate. Your conversion rates will improve radically, yet the costs per acquisition will actually be lower as you will have more conversions for the very marginal additional cost of the Google Display Network click.

Google Remarketing provides you with a remarkable opportunity to re-engage potential customers whom you’d normally never be able to reach again. The conversion rate of those customers should be phenomenal, since they are already familiar with your site, your product and even your shopping cart. The cost to re-engage is minimal, literally the cost of a click on the Google Display Network. With so many pluses and virtually no negatives, there is really no excuse not to implement it as soon as possible and see by how many percentage points you can increase your overall conversion rate.

Author Bio: David Chapman is Director of Marketing at Webrageous and an expert in the PPC management of Google AdWords Remarketing Campaigns.