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Drupal V/S Concrete5
24 Jan

Can Concrete 5 match the success of Drupal?

October 31, 2017

Content management systems have drastically improved the way we create and edit web pages. You no longer require elaborate and complex HTML coding to give functionality and structure to your website. Just download and install a CMS and start churning out web pages. But the process is not as simple as it sounds (even though the CMSes have eased it up, compared to the pre CMS era).

There a number of free CMSes available on the Internet. Most of them are open source and are developed through a consistent community effort. However, of late, two of them- Drupal and Concrete 5, are seen to be becoming each other’s competitors . Their similarity begins and ends at being- open source and adaptable for making any website.

While, Drupal is trusted to create large scale and secure websites giving greater flexibility and customizability to the developer, it has a relatively steeper learning curve but it still enjoys huge popularity among web developers.

Concrete 5 on the other hand, is specially designed to be highly user friendly and is very easy to use. The ability to edit or create a post right on the web page remains exclusive to Concrete 5. In addition Concrete 5 is specifically developed to promote marketing and easy web page creation.

But still Concrete 5 lags behind in terms of popularity as Drupal is the third most popular CMS after WordPress and Joomla with more than 2.3% of all web pages on it. Concrete 5 is way behind having less than 0.1% of all web pages. This popularity is even visible clearly in Twitter statistic of these CMS’s twitter pages (see the infographic below).

drupal v/sconcrete5